Source code for easyjwt.easyjwt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Definitions for handling JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import ClassVar
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Set
from typing import Type
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union

from datetime import datetime

from bidict import bidict
from jwt import decode as jwt_decode
from jwt import encode as jwt_encode
from jwt import DecodeError as JWT_DecodeError
from jwt import ExpiredSignatureError as JWT_ExpiredSignatureError
from jwt import ImmatureSignatureError as JWT_ImmatureSignatureError
from jwt import InvalidAlgorithmError as JWT_InvalidAlgorithmError
from jwt import InvalidAudienceError as JWT_InvalidAudienceError
from jwt import InvalidIssuedAtError as JWT_InvalidIssuedAtError
from jwt import InvalidIssuerError as JWT_InvalidIssuerError
from jwt import InvalidSignatureError as JWT_InvalidSignatureError
from jwt import InvalidTokenError as JWT_InvalidTokenError
from jwt import MissingRequiredClaimError as JWT_MissingRequiredClaimError
from jwt.exceptions import InvalidKeyError as JWT_InvalidKeyError

from . import Algorithm
from . import ExpiredTokenError
from . import ImmatureTokenError
from . import IncompatibleKeyError
from . import InvalidAudienceError
from . import InvalidClaimSetError
from . import InvalidClassError
from . import InvalidIssuedAtError
from . import InvalidIssuerError
from . import InvalidSignatureError
from . import MissingRequiredClaimsError
from . import UnspecifiedClassError
from . import UnsupportedAlgorithmError
from . import VerificationError
from .restoration import restore_timestamp_to_datetime

EasyJWTClass = TypeVar('EasyJWTClass', bound='EasyJWT')
    The type of the :class:`.EasyJWT` class, allowing subclasses.

[docs]class EasyJWT(object): """ The base class for representing JSON Web Tokens (JWT). To use a JWT, you have to create a subclass inheriting from :class:`EasyJWT`. All public instance variables of this class (that is, all instance variables not starting with an underscore) will make up the claim set of your token (there will be a few meta claims in the token as well that :class:`EasyJWT` needs to verify the token). """ # region Class Variables algorithm: ClassVar[Algorithm] = Algorithm.HS256 """ The algorithm used for encoding the token. When changing the algorithm, its old value must be added to :attr:`previous_algorithms` so that old tokens may still be decoded properly. This variable is not part of the claim set. """ previous_algorithms: ClassVar[Set[Algorithm]] = set() """ All algorithms that have previously been used for encoding the token, needed for decoding the token. When changing the :attr:`algorithm`, its old value must be added to this set. The algorithm specified in :attr:`algorithm` does not have to be part of this set. This variable is not part of the claim set. """ strict_verification: ClassVar[bool] = True """ If set to `True` (by default), verifying a token will fail if the token has not been created with the class with which it has been created. If you want to verify tokens created by third parties (i.e. tokens that have not been created by the application verifying the token), you must set this option to `False`. Setting this option to `False` will also remove the meta claim from created tokens that `EasyJWT` uses to identify the class with which the token has been created. """ _claim_restore_methods: ClassVar[Dict[str, Callable[[Optional[Any]], Optional[Any]]]] = dict( expiration_date=restore_timestamp_to_datetime, issued_at_date=restore_timestamp_to_datetime, not_before_date=restore_timestamp_to_datetime, ) """ A dictionary mapping a claim name to a method that will restore the claim's value from the claim set into the expected format of the object. Note that the name of the _instance variable_ must be given as the key, not the name of the _claim_ (see :attr:`_instance_var_claim_name_mapping`). """ _instance_var_claim_name_mapping: ClassVar[bidict] = bidict( audience='aud', expiration_date='exp', issued_at_date='iat', issuer='iss', JWT_ID='jti', not_before_date='nbf', subject='sub', ) """ A bidirectional mapping from the name of an instance variable to its name in the claim set (and vice versa). Before creating the claim set for a token, all instance variables collected for the claim set will be renamed according to this mapping. If an instance variable is not found in this mapping, its name will directly be used as the claim name. When restoring the claim set from a token, all claims will be written to the instance variable given by the inverse mapping. If a claim name is not found in this inverse mapping, its name will be used as the instance variable. """ _optional_claims: ClassVar[Set[str]] = { 'aud', 'exp', 'iat', 'iss', 'jti', 'nbf', 'sub', } """ Set of claims that are optional, i.e. that can be empty in the token's claim set without causing an error. Note that the name of the _claim_ must be given, not the name of the _instance variable_ (see :attr:`_instance_var_claim_name_mapping`). """ _private_claims: ClassVar[Set[str]] = { '_easyjwt_class', } """ Set of instance variable names that are part of the claim set although their names begin with an underscore. """ _public_non_claims: ClassVar[Set[str]] = { 'algorithm', 'previous_algorithms', 'strict_verification', } """ Set of instance variable names that are not part of the claim set although their names do not begin with an underscore. """ # endregion # region Instance Variables audience: Optional[Union[Iterable[str], str]] """ The audience for which this token is intended. This instance variable is mapped to the registered claim ``aud``. When verifying a token with an audience claim, the application must identify itself with at least one of the audience values specified in the audience claim. Otherwise, an :class:`InvalidAudienceError` will be raised. If the application specifies an audience during verification, but the token does not contain an audience claim, an :class:`InvalidClaimSetError` will be raised. """ expiration_date: Optional[datetime] """ The date and time at which this token will expire. This instance variable is mapped to the registered claim ``exp``. If this claim is included in a token and this token is verified after the date has passed, the verification will fail with an :class:`.ExpiredTokenError` error. Must be given in UTC. """ issued_at_date: Optional[datetime] """ The date and time at which the token has been created. This instance variable is mapped to the registered claim ``iat``. This claim will automatically be set in :meth:`.create`. See that method on how to overwrite the value. When initializing a new object, this claim will be `None`. With each creation, it will be updated accordingly. When verifying a token and restoring the object, this claim will be set to the value given in the token (if it is included). Will be given in UTC. """ issuer: Optional[str] """ The issuer of this token. This instance variable is mapped to the registered claim ``iss``. The issuer of a token can be verified by passing the expected issuer to the :meth:`verify` method. If the issuer specified in the token does not match the expected one, an :class:`.InvalidIssuerError` error will be raised. If the token does not contain an issuer if one is expected, an :class:`.InvalidClaimSetError` error will be raised. """ JWT_ID: Optional[str] """ A unique identifier for the JWT. This instance variable is mapped to the registered claim ``jti``. This registered claim is not validated when verifying a token. The processing of this claim is up the application. """ not_before_date: Optional[datetime] """ The date and time before which this token will not be valid. This instance variable is mapped to the registered claim ``nbf``. If this claim is included in a token and this token is verified before the date has been reached, the verification will fail with an :class:`.ImmatureTokenError` error. Must be given in UTC. """ subject: Optional[str] """ The subject of the token. This instance variable is mapped to the registered claim ``sub``. This registered claim is not validated when verifying a token. The processing of this claim is up to the application. """ _easyjwt_class: str """ The name of the class creating the token. Used for validating a token. """ _key: str """ The private key for encoding and decoding the token. """ # endregion # region Instantiation def __init__(self, key: str) -> None: """ :param key: The private key that is used for encoding and decoding the token. """ if self.strict_verification: self._easyjwt_class = self._get_class_name() self._key = key self.audience = None self.expiration_date = None self.issued_at_date = None self.issuer = None self.JWT_ID = None self.not_before_date = None self.subject = None # endregion # region Token Creation
[docs] def create(self, issued_at: Optional[datetime] = None) -> str: """ Create the actual token from the :class:`EasyJWT` object. Empty optional claims will not be included in the token. Empty non-optional claims will cause a :class:`MissingRequiredClaimsError`. :param issued_at: The date and time at which this token was issued. If not given, the current date and time will be used. Must be given in UTC. Defaults to `None`. :return: The token represented by the current state of the object. :raise IncompatibleKeyError: If the given key is incompatible with the algorithm used for encoding the token. :raise MissingRequiredClaimsError: If instance variables that map to non-optional claims in the claim set are empty. """ # Set the issued-at date. self.issued_at_date = issued_at if self.issued_at_date is None: self.issued_at_date = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0) # Fail if there are empty required claims. missing_claims = self._get_required_empty_claims() if len(missing_claims) > 0: raise MissingRequiredClaimsError(missing_claims) # Encode the object. claim_set = self._get_claim_set() try: token = jwt_encode(claim_set, self._key, algorithm=self.algorithm.value) except JWT_InvalidKeyError as error: raise IncompatibleKeyError(str(error)) return token
def _get_claim_set(self, with_empty_claims: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get the claim set of this token. :param with_empty_claims: If set to `True`, claims that have no value will be included. :return: A dictionary of instance variables with their current values that make up the token's claim set. Instance variable names are mapped to their respective claim names. Claims that have no value are excluded. """ return {EasyJWT._map_instance_var_to_claim_name(name): value for (name, value) in vars(self).items() if self._is_claim(name) and (with_empty_claims or value is not None) } def _get_required_empty_claims(self) -> Set[str]: """ Get all claims that are required but empty. :return: A set of names of the claims that are not optional but have an empty value. """ return {name for (name, value) in self._get_claim_set(with_empty_claims=True).items() if not self._is_optional_claim(name) and value is None } # endregion # region Token Restoration # noinspection PyProtectedMember
[docs] @classmethod def verify(cls: Type[EasyJWTClass], token: str, key: str, issuer: Optional[str] = None, audience: Optional[Union[Iterable[str], str]] = None ) -> EasyJWTClass: """ Verify the given JSON Web Token. :param token: The JWT to verify. :param key: The key used for decoding the token. This key must be the same with which the token has been created. :param issuer: The issuer of the token to verify. :param audience: The audience for which the token is intended. :return: The object representing the token. The claim values are set on the corresponding instance variables. :raise ExpiredTokenError: If the claim set contains an expiration date claim ``exp`` that has passed. :raise ImmatureTokenError: If the claim set contains a not-before date claim ``nbf`` that has not yet been reached. :raise IncompatibleKeyError: If the given key is incompatible with the algorithm used for decoding the token. :raise InvalidAudienceError: If the given audience is not specified in the token's audience claim, or no audience is given when verifying a token with an audience claim, or the given audience is not a string, an iterable, or `None`. :raise InvalidClaimSetError: If the claim set does not contain exactly the expected (non-optional) claims. :raise InvalidClassError: If the claim set is not verified with the class with which the token has been created. :raise InvalidIssuedAtError: If the claim set contains an issued-at date ``iat`` that is not an integer. :raise InvalidIssuerError: If the token has been issued by a different issuer than given. :raise InvalidSignatureError: If the token's signature does not validate the token's contents. :raise UnspecifiedClassError: If the claim set does not contain the class with which the token has been created. :raise UnsupportedAlgorithmError: If the algorithm used for encoding the token is not supported. :raise VerificationError: If a general error occurred during decoding. """ # Create an object for the token. easyjwt = cls(key) # Decode the given token and raise own errors for a clean interface. algorithms = easyjwt._get_decode_algorithms() try: claim_set = jwt_decode(token, easyjwt._key, algorithms=algorithms, issuer=issuer, audience=audience) except JWT_ExpiredSignatureError: raise ExpiredTokenError() from None except JWT_ImmatureSignatureError: raise ImmatureTokenError() from None except JWT_InvalidAlgorithmError: raise UnsupportedAlgorithmError() from None except JWT_InvalidAudienceError: raise InvalidAudienceError() from None except JWT_InvalidIssuedAtError: raise InvalidIssuedAtError() from None except JWT_InvalidIssuerError: raise InvalidIssuerError() from None except JWT_InvalidKeyError as error: raise IncompatibleKeyError(str(error)) from None except JWT_InvalidSignatureError: raise InvalidSignatureError() from None except JWT_MissingRequiredClaimError as error: # Map the missing claims to their instance variable names. claim = error.claim # type: ignore raise InvalidClaimSetError(missing_claims={easyjwt._map_claim_name_to_instance_var(claim)}) from None except (JWT_InvalidTokenError, JWT_DecodeError) as error: raise VerificationError(str(error)) from None except TypeError as error: if str(error) == 'audience must be a string, iterable, or None': raise InvalidAudienceError() from None else: # pragma: no cover raise error from None # Verify and restore the token. easyjwt._verify_claim_set(claim_set) easyjwt._restore_claim_set(claim_set) return easyjwt
def _get_claim_names(self) -> Set[str]: """ Get the names of all claims in the claim set, mapped to the respective instance variable's name. :return: A set of names of the instance variables that make up the claim set. """ return set(self._get_claim_set(with_empty_claims=True).keys()) @classmethod def _get_decode_algorithms(cls) -> List[str]: """ Get all algorithms for decoding. :return: A set of all algorithms ever used for encoding the tokens. """ algorithms = [algorithm.value for algorithm in cls.previous_algorithms] algorithms.append(cls.algorithm.value) return algorithms @classmethod def _get_restore_method_for_claim(cls, claim: str) -> Optional[Callable[[Optional[Any]], Optional[Any]]]: """ Get the method for the given claim that restores the claim value to the expected format. :param claim: The claim for which the restore method will be returned. :return: The method for the given claim if it exists. `None` if there is no such method. """ return cls._claim_restore_methods.get(claim, None) def _restore_claim_set(self, claim_set: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Restore the token data from the given claim set. The claims' values will be written to the claims' corresponding instance variable. :param claim_set: The claim set from which the state will be restored. """ for name, value in claim_set.items(): # Find the corresponding instance variable. name = self._map_claim_name_to_instance_var(name) # Restore the value (if necessary). restore_method = self._get_restore_method_for_claim(name) if restore_method is not None and value is not None: value = restore_method(value) # Actually set the value. setattr(self, name, value) def _verify_claim_set(self, claim_set: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: """ Verify that the claim set contains exactly the expected claims, that is, non-optional claims must not be missing from the claim set and the claim set must not contain any additional claims. Furthermore, verify that this object is of the right class for the token. Expected claims are all the (non-optional) claims that would be used in a token created by this object. :param claim_set: The claim set to verify. :return: `True` if the claim set contains all expected claims and is of this class, `False` otherwise. :raise InvalidClaimSetError: If the claim set does not contain exactly the expected (non-optional) claims. :raise InvalidClassError: If the claim set is not verified with the class with which the token has been created. :raise UnspecifiedClassError: If the claim set does not contain the class with which the token has been created. """ # Check the token's class: it must be specified and be this class. if self.strict_verification: class_name = self._get_class_name() claim_class_name = claim_set.get('_easyjwt_class', None) if claim_class_name is None: raise UnspecifiedClassError() if claim_class_name != class_name: raise InvalidClassError(expected_class=class_name, actual_class=claim_class_name) # Determine missing and unexpected claims. Missing claims are those specified in this class but not given in the # claim set. Unexpected claims are those given in the claim set but not specified in this class. expected_claims = self._get_claim_names() actual_claims = set(claim_set.keys()) # Use the name of the instance variable for missing claims to avoid confusion. # For unexpected claims, use the name of the claim. missing_claims = {self._map_claim_name_to_instance_var(name) for name in expected_claims.difference(actual_claims) if not self._is_optional_claim(name)} unexpected_claims = actual_claims.difference(expected_claims) # If there are no missing or unexpected claims, everything is fine. if len(missing_claims) == 0 and len(unexpected_claims) == 0: return True # Otherwise, raise an exception. raise InvalidClaimSetError(missing_claims, unexpected_claims) # endregion # region Instance Variable and Claim Helpers @classmethod def _is_claim(cls, instance_var: str) -> bool: """ Determine if a given instance variable is part of the token's claim set. An instance variable will be considered to be a claim if: * it is listed in :attr:`_private_claims`, or * it does not start with an underscore, but * is not listed in :attr:`_public_non_claims'. :param instance_var: The name of the instance variable to check. :return: `True` if the instance variable is part of the claim set, `False` otherwise. """ # Some instance variables are always included in the claim set. if instance_var in cls._private_claims: return True # Private instance variables are never included (unless explicitly allowed above). if instance_var.startswith('_'): return False # Public instance variables might not be a claim. if instance_var in cls._public_non_claims: return False return True @classmethod def _is_optional_claim(cls, claim_name: str) -> bool: """ Determine if the given claim is optional and may thus be empty or missing in the claim set. A claim is optional if it is listed in :attr:`_optional_claims`. :param claim_name: The name of the claim to check. :return: `True` if the given claim is optional, `False` otherwise. """ return claim_name in cls._optional_claims @classmethod def _map_claim_name_to_instance_var(cls, claim_name: str) -> str: """ Map a claim to the name of its instance variable. :param claim_name: The name of the claim to map. :return: The name of the corresponding instance variable. """ # If the claim_name name is not defined in the mapping, return its own name. instance_var: str = cls._instance_var_claim_name_mapping.inverse.get(claim_name, claim_name) return instance_var @classmethod def _map_instance_var_to_claim_name(cls, instance_var: str) -> str: """ Map an instance variable that will be part of the claim set to its claim name. :param instance_var: The name of the instance variable to map. :return: The name of the corresponding claim. """ # If the instance variable is not defined in the mapping, return the variable's name. claim_name: str = cls._instance_var_claim_name_mapping.get(instance_var, instance_var) return claim_name # endregion # region Other def _get_class_name(self) -> str: """ Get the class of the own object. :return: The name of the class of which `self` is. """ return type(self).__name__ # endregion # region System Methods def __str__(self) -> str: """ Create the token. Alias of :meth:`create`. :return: The token represented by the current state of the object. """ return self.create()
# endregion